Thursday, January 27, 2011

40% of DCPS Teachers Eligible for Bonuses Reject Them

WAMU's Kavitha Cardoza reports this week in an important scoop that fully 40% of the teachers who earned cash bonuses under Michelle Rhee's IMPACT teacher evaluation system last year are refusing to take the money. This astounding expression of alienation from the IMPACT bonus program, which has received strong editorial support from the editors of the Washington Post, was also reported in Bill Turque's Washington Post blog on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I would like to enlist your help. I am a currently a graduate student and I am conducting a small survey on Washington DC public school teachers' opinions on merit pay for my Master’s Thesis. The purpose of the survey is to get feedback on how teacher view merit pay after it has been implemented.

    The survey should only take 10 minutes. Participants’ answers are anonymous and will be kept confidential. Only group results will be presented or documented, not individual answers. I can also present the results of the survey after it has been completed.

    The problem I am having is getting Washington DC public school teachers to participate in the survey. I need to at least 100 teachers for my study to be valid and I have only two weeks to collect responses. If possible, can you pass my survey along to DC Public school teachers or do you have any advice on where I can find teachers willing to take the survey. Any guidance would be helpful. I have added the link to the survey down below. Thanks again!
